Sunday, June 14, 2009

Book 1 The Beginning Part 1 Section 5

After lunch there was training and arriving on the field Mason lined up with all the others, carefully looking around to see what they were doing. For three minutes Mason waited in line until he was startled from his thoughts by a presence directly in front of him. "Mason Reid," the man standing before him stated and Mason nodded, unable to say anything, suddenly intimidated, although he was only 2 inches taller then Mason's 6ft the man seemed twice as large, his long black hair was tied back, his skin was a dark bronze, and his eyes were like those of a hawk. "Come over here," the man said and Mason stepped forwards. "I'm sure you've been made very welcome by Miss Prince, that's her job, me, my job is to prepare you for war" he said, suddenly he picked up a bucket he had had sitting at his feet and without warning he threw the contents at the new boy. "That is blood, you'll be encountering it a lot and you better get used to it," he said. "How do you like your first lesson?" he asked but Mason just stood there his mouth opening and shutting, dripping blood. "Hayes," the man said turning to one of the boys still standing in line.

"Yes Sergeant Iceheart?" Hayes asked stepping forwards and saluting, he didn't look at the boy-giant; he stood looking forwards and waited for a command.

"Take Reid here and get him cleaned up," Iceheart said. "Use one of Schadenfreud’s uniforms until they issue him with more," he said and Hayes nodded before finally turning to look at the boy at Iceheart's side. Seeing that Mason was still shocked Hayes walked up and led him away. "Okay let's get on with it," Iceheart said as the two boys left.

"You okay?" Hayes said looking over at the Mason when they had gotten out of ear shot.

"Fuck," was all Mason could manage as he looked down at himself.

"He did that to everyone," Hayes said.

"Fuck," Mason said again but then he forced himself to say more. "What did he do that for?" he asked.

"Like he said, he wanted to teach you about the reality of war," Hayes said. "Look Reid, he's the best trainer in there is, he's got the record for the most people entering the service and better yet he's got it for the most people making it out of it alive as well."

"He's...he's a psycho," Mason spluttered.

"You don't know the half of it," Hayes said. "But think about it Reid, don't you think that's the best way to be? He spent 14 years on the field, before coming in to train us recruits, he's got to be doing something right...he believes that the best survivors are the ones that have been put through the toughest training," he said. "Some of the other instructors see us as children, children that need to be protected from the harsh realties of real life,” he said rolling his eyes. “Icy on the other hand see us as the future soldiers that we’ll someday be and I think I prefer that-," he said but then he grinned. "Though sometimes I'd give anything, anything to get into one of the other squads, let me tell you Reid."

"Call me Mason, Dad was Reid," Mason said. "So this guy believes in tough love then?" he asked.

"The name’s Jacob," Hayes said before going on with the original conversation. "You could say that," he said as they arrived at the showers and he led the way inside. Walking up to one of the lockers he opened it and drew out a uniform which he chucked at Mason who caught it deftly and made his way to one of the cubicles. "We're doing hand to hand today, which means you'll be paired up with the owner of that uniform."

"Schadenfreud’s? What kind of name is that?" Mason asked from inside the shower.

"A German one…at least it’s a German word…his parents were Neo-Goths," Jacob said rolling his eyes. “Schadenfreud means something like taking joy in others’ pain and is first name is Darth which means dark”

"Shit, dark sadist huh?" Mason said. "So does he live up to that name?"

"Not really, he’s a nice guy, always says that his parents were try-hards," Jacob said. "Still I wouldn't want to meet him in a fight. I think the reason that they got you was because he was the only giant on the squad, now he has an opponent."

"Why bother teaching us to fight other Giants?" Mason asked. "It's not like we'll be fighting any."

"That's true but you have to learn hand-to-hand, it's part of the training," Jacob said. "You're not going to be fighting him all the time, you'll be using us as Guineapigs to simulate what an adult Giant can do to an adult Norm," he said. "You nearly finished in there?"

"Yeah, chuck us the uniform," Mason said and got dressed when Jacob complied.

"Great! Back into the fray," Jacob said as they made their way back to where Iceheart was waiting. "You took your drenching well, some don't. Peter was the worst, he saw the blood and collapsed, he was a gibbering wreak for hours, Iceheart looked real guilty, ever since then he's been more gentle with him."

"I bet he is," Mason said as they started off towards the others. Jacob left him to his thoughts on the way back and when they got back he went to stand in line while Mason waited for Iceheart to notice him.

"Nice of you to join us," Iceheart said looking over to where Mason stood. "You're with Darth, Darth show him the ropes," he said and Darth nodded indicating that Mason should follow him. The two Giant boys moved slightly off to the side of the rest of them and stood facing each other while Iceheart walked from fight to fight correcting mistakes or with less frequency congratulating those that got it right.

Both Darth and Mason moved into the starting position at the same time and Darth smiled. "You know this already," he said looking at his opponent with new respect.

"Dad taught me, he said that it was good exercise," Mason said shrugging, he felt a tug of sadness at the thought of his dad but then he pushed it away. Pull yourself together, he'd of hated it if all I did was whinge, he would want me to get on with my life, he told himself. I can almost hear his voice, damn I miss him...I've got to concentrate, he thought looking up at Darth who was waiting patiently for his opponent to make the first move. Got to remember that not everyone is going to be so polite, got to keep my mind on what I'm doing.

"My Dad died when I was young, lost mum when I was born" Darth said countering Mason's first blow and watching Mason duck his own, he dodged the kick that came in return and soon they were fighting in earnest. Neither of them was holding back and the fight that resulted in this fact caused everyone else to turn and watch, even Iceheart stopped and focused on what was happening trying to picture what the two of them would look like when they had reached their full growth.

Everyone was so focused on the fight that no one noticed Peter groan and slowly collapse into a heap but at the sound of him hitting the ground Iceheart looked over. "Shit," he cursed going over to where Peter lay. Bending down he quickly checked the unconscious boy over and then turned to where the fight continued. "Reid," he called but still the fight went on. "Boys, break it up," he said walking up and forcibly separating the two. "Reid," he said again and this time Mason paid attention.

"Yes...Sergeant," Mason said catching himself just in time, not wanting to know what would happen if he left the honorific off.

"Calloway's indisposed, take him to the room and come back here," Iceheart said and Mason looked over to where the limp form lay, he was just about to ask something when Iceheart shook his head. "No questions," Iceheart said. "Hurry, you're going to be doing a lap for every minute you're gone," he said and Mason nodded as he shouldered the limp form and hurried off to the barracks.

"Pathetic," Phillip said turning to watch Mason leave. "Absolutely pathetic."

"He shouldn't even be here! After all this is an Academy not a nursery," Phillip's redheaded sparring partner said.

"You know that there's a chance that people might actually care what you say but it's very slim," said an African-Strain boy who stood next to his identical twin.

"What do you mean?" Phillip's friend asked.

"What my dear brother means Max is that you should really save your breath isn't that right Pacey?" Pacey's identical twin asked looking at him.

"Couldn't of said it better myself Jonesy," Pacey said grinning back.

"It's Maxwell," Maxwell said. "How many times have I told you two that?" he asked and the two boys just shrugged.

"Let me idea Max," Pacey said grinning, he and his brother always loved tormenting Maxwell, he got annoyed so easy and the fact that he made others suffer made the feeling even better.

"It's Maxwell," Maxwell said again exasperated.

"Damn, you're beginning to sound repetitive," Jonesy said. "Just give up while you're ahead Max."

"Shut up," Maxwell said.

"Why Max?" Pacey asked.

"Stop that," Maxwell snapped, he hated the two brothers and their habit of talking one after the other drove him mad.

"We're not doing anything," Jonesy said looking innocently at Maxwell, the both of them knew that how they talked was disconcerting but they didn't get it, it wasn't as if they were finishing each other's sentences or anything, they were merely taking turns.

"Yes you are and you know it annoys me so stop it," Maxwell said, he had forgotten what had started the conversation in the first place all he wanted was for the two of them to shut up.

"Stop what Max?" Pacey asked widening his brown eyes and looking innocent.

"I SAID STOP IT," Maxwell yelled, if it hadn't of been for Phillip's restraining hand on his shoulder he would have rushed forwards.

"All of you stop it," Iceheart said and all four of them looked over at him. "Get back to sparring,"

"Yes Sergeant," they said nearly in unison as they turned back and began to fight again. Iceheart went back to watching the fights noting everything, making corrections and giving grudging praise to those who deserved it, as he watched he went over some of the things he meant to teach them in the coming weeks, because of their ages they weren't able to practice with weapons so he instead had them learn the art of hand-to-hand, something that an old Asian-Strain had taught years ago when Iceheart had himself been a student. Watching the moves Iceheart's mind wandered back to those days, thinking about his contemporaries, most of them now in their graves, the thought brought to mind the squad's newest member, Jeffery Reid had been a good friend and much of him lived on in his son.

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